Jumping Monkeys

Leo Laporte has 4711 podcasts on Twit.TV now.  Being a subscriber to several already (This Week in Tech, Windows Weekly, Security Now and Munchcast) I don’t often go back to the main web page to see what’s going on, because I’m reading all the updates through my RSS feeds. I need to check out some of the others and see if I want to listen. I don’t know that I want a daily show like Daily Giz Wiz, because of the possibility of getting behind really easily. But who knows. I would never have tried Munchcast if it wasn’t be recommendation


The problem with that method is that things are often missed. One example is Jumping Monkeys. Here’s the blurb: Join Megan Morrone, mother of three toddlers, and Leo Laporte, father of two teens, as they talk about parenting in the digital age, featuring lots of helpful links and advice, plus interviews with other geek parents, web site designers, and bloggers.


I’ve just added it to my automatic downloads and now I have 11 weeks to catch up on. I’m only 8 minutes into the first episode and I’m glad I’m listening. Megan was a former Screen Savers cast member, and pregnant at the time. During the introduction on the podcast she admits that she’s come to the realization that their audience isn’t all 13 year old boys. There are adults too. Parents. Ain’t it the truth. Megan’s even got one more thing going for her — she’s the mother of twins..

Current Mood: geeky

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