Well I spent the weekend in 10 minute chunks trying to work on updating this blog. As of now, it’s mostly done with all the CSS styles. I still have some badges to add, but the coloring and images should all be done.
I’m also slowly starting to add in and debug some additional plugins. The first of which is supposed to allow me to cross-post an entry to my LiveJournal account. This will be a good thing, as alot of my friends participate in the LJ community. This way at least, they can see that I’ve made an update to my page and come visit it here.
The other plugins I’ve still got to complete are the "This day in", which is the little BBC/Wikipedia link you see on the post info. I want to get an icon up next to it, so it’s more obvious that it’s a link you can follow for this day.
I’ve got ‘Fancy Tooltips" running, which creates a nice tooltip when you hover over a link. unfortunately, its not working on all links, just some. Maybe it’s the structure of the links or the way the plugin is configured.. I’ll spend more time with that later.
The LJ updating works well 🙂